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DGC News Aug 2010: New NSW Cameras + Tax Time
DGC News Aug 2010: New NSW Cameras + Tax Time
Aug 1, 2010
Greetings DGC Members,
Many of our customers are from New South Wales. Out of all the states we receive speed trap complaints about, NSW is by far the highest on the list of total complaints. Topping those complaints are usually customers who have been done by speed traps in speed zone changes or by cops waiting at the bottom of hills. Unfortunately, we have bad news for NSW residents who have not already heard about the latest money spinner by the NSW government. New speed camera vans are being rolled out across NSW. These new cameras are expected to net the government an extra $100m in fines each year.
Here are some facts that will help guard you against these new camera systems:
These camera vans run on RADAR, namely on the 24.1ghz frequency They can scan up to 6 lanes of traffic both coming and going Customers who own a radar detector will be able to detect these new cameras An undetectable radar detector is the recommended solution for customers in NSW who want to detect these new cameras Click here to watch a video explaining more about the new cameras and how they work.
Want to know how profitable collecting speeding fines has become in Australia? Macquarie Bank is launching a $275 million takeover bid for Redflex, the company who manufactures the new speed camera vans being rolled out in NSW as well as many of the fixed redlight/speed cameras used throughout Australia. Click HERE to read the news article about the new cameras and takeover bid. When a bank invests in catching speeders how can anyone argue that revenue is not at the forefront of law enforcement and corporate interests?
Invest your tax refund wisely! Don't give your tax refund back to the government, buy one of our radar/laser defense systems today, save yourself fines, points and frustration!
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