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Don't Get Caught Members > DGC News Nov 2010: Accessories Sale & Cameras Don
DGC News Nov 2010:  Accessories Sale & Cameras Don

Nov 1, 2010

DGC News Nov 2010: Accessories Sale & Cameras Don't Save Lives

Greetings Dontgetcaught Members,

First up, we have a couple of specials we want to highlight in our accessories section before getting to this months news link.

To start, police have been on a laser expansion blitz and our ALG9 laser defence system has been a popular countermeasure. Thank you to those customers who have sent in their installation photos of the ALG9 and the stories of their first "save". Our most common stories received last month were police with handheld guns waiting at the bottom of a hill or laser cameras setup just after a speed zone change. We have recently added a new device to our product range which is a Laser Tester.

Laser Tester - $75.00 (inc. GST)

This device simulates the numerous types police laser guns and is a great way to test your system to make sure everything is functioning properly. It works up to 50 meters away and runs on a 9V battery (included). This should give you the same level of confidence we have in the ALG9.

We have a couple accessories which are now 50% off so if you own a Beltronics or Escort radar detector, take advantage of getting spares or replacements now:

Bel/Escort Windscreen Bracket - was $19.00, now $10.00
Bel/Escort Cig. Power Cable - was $39.00, now $19.00

Speed News: A Current Affair Special Investigation – when speed cameras must be turned off (click title to watch video)

The linked video above is with "a former government head of safety (that) turns whistleblower, exposing the great speed camera con". We weren't surprised by the content of the video, we already know that speed cameras do not save lives because they don't change a drivers behaviour. Generally the mentality of drivers who have been caught speeding can be summarised as follows:

Caught by speed camera and aware of being caught: "Well I've already been caught and I know they don't put camears too close together so I might as well keep speeding"
Caught by speed camera and unaware of being caught (hidden or didn't notice camera): Driver is still speeding and may still be endangering lives.
Caught by human police officer: Police scolds driver, makes him/her aware of the speed limit and the speed the driver was traveling at and the consequences of their actions. They can also notify drivers of important safety areas in that region (school zones, black spots, churches etc). People reduce speed in that area from then on and are made more aware of the area.

The State of Arizona in the USA has recently concurred that speed cameras don't save lives and has not renewed it's contract with speed camera manufacturer Redflex (news article here). There are numerous other states that have previously banned speed cameras for both privacy and revenue (lacking) reasons. However the main reasons USA states are banning cameras is for two reasons: "Infringement on individual privacy, and a belief that the operation was intended only to raise revenue, without independent, peer-reviewed data demonstrating their impact on road safety." Well that pretty much says it all doesn't it?

Police Minister Rob Johnson in WA has recently called speed cameras a "voluntary tax" (see video here). No Mr. Johnson, we have a mandatory tax and part of that goes towards supporting our local police. We want more cops (more jobs) not more cameras. Only this will increase road safety. Politicians like Mr. Johnson should be removed from office as they have clearly lost touch with reality and can only use their governmental powers to fill the public coffers for more wasteful spending in other areas.

Drive safer and smarter DGC members!

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