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Don't Get Caught Members > DGC News July 2011: NEW Financial Year!
DGC News July 2011:  NEW Financial Year!

Jul 12, 2011

July 1, 2011

DGC News July 2011: New Financial Year!

Dear DGC Members,

Welcome to my first Newsletter as the new owner of Security Gear, I hope all Members have had a successful and prosperous Financial Year.

This coming Financial Year we hope to be able to bring you some new money saving anti-speed detection products that will help you stress less whilst driving around this great country of ours.

Laser traps have been around for a while now but have been growing very quickly in Australia. We have had the new Poliscan Laser Camera here in WA and in VIC for some months now, but they will now be springing up in NSW and QLD. You’re radar detector will still be handy to keep for all existing radar traps, but if you haven’t already added an ALG9 laser defence system, now is the time to add it!

From previous newsletters you will be aware of the ALG9 Laser Defence System, but I thought I would re highlight some of the main features and benefits.

•   Increased laser defence performance, highest sensitivity and reaction time of all laser defence systems on the market.
•   Still marketed as a parking sensor (including packaging and instruction manuals) to keep the device 100% legal to use.
•   Smaller sensors, making installation easier on all vehicles
•   Bracket is already bent to fit sensor, saving time on installs.
•   Better looking (and much smaller) packaging.
•   New styled on/off switch.
•   New control box allows for 4 sensors to be plugged into one control box.
•   Unit can be upgraded by memory card or USB.
•   Sensors now have a modular cable, this means that the extension cables can be added in, giving you more cable length for rear installation. Also, if there is a defective sensor or if the system needs to be changed out for any reason your installer can simply unplug the old sensor and plug in the new one.

The new LTI TruCam is a very powerful hand held gun and it has a new "anti-jam" feature that is supposed to cut out interference from jammers or laser parking sensors like the ALG9. These too are springing up across Australia. The ALG9 is the only system that can beat this anti-jam feature. Our recommended protection based on the power of the new LTI TruCam is now:

•   Small cars and motorbikes - 1 sensor in front, 1 sensor in rear
•   Medium and large vehicles - 2 sensor in front, 1 sensor in rear

Other Products
Breath Testing Equipment - certified to AS3547 quality standards
Undetectable Beltronics & Escort Radar Detectors
Fixed Camera Detection with the Cheetah C50
Live vehicle tracking with the T22 vehicle tracker

Our facebook page will be dedicated to new product updates and news articles relating to speeding, cameras, radar/laser and fines across Australia. We will also cover these headlines in our monthly newsletter as per normal but the facebook page will be quicker to see updated news. The link to our facebook page is here:


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