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Don't Get Caught Members > DGC News October 2014
DGC News October 2014

Sep 30, 2014

Dear DGC Members,

Please make sure you are cautious these School Holidays and Long Weekend as the police will be out in full force. Make sure you’re prepared with the latest in Laser and Radar protection.

Safe Driving,
The DGC Team

What’s On Our Radar?

Tough New Penalties for Traffic Offenders

Fine and demerit point increases came into effect at midnight last night, a day before the Queen’s Birthday long-weekend police blitz on the roads. Fines for the majority of offences under the Road Traffic Act have doubled, but in some cases have increased by up to 500 per cent. Class-A offences such as drink driving and failing to wear a seatbelt have also attracted an increase in demerit points.

The penalty for failing to stop at a pedestrian or children’s crossing has jumped from $50 to $300, and now attracts up to four demerit points. A new offence of obscuring identification plates incurs a $1000 on-the-spot fine.

Geraldton police Sergeant Andrew Ramsden said the offence was aimed at persons who purposely altered or defaced a registration plate to avoid detection. “People who deliberately bend plates, or obscure plates, with protective film to prevent them from being photographed by speed cameras will be targeted,” he said. The penalty for not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle has increased from $100 to $550 and four demerit points.

Other notable fine increases are: using a mobile phone while driving from $250 to $400, drink driving as a first offender with a blood alcohol content above 0.05 has tripled to $300, and a driver who fails to wear a seatbelt will be slapped with a $550 penalty. Speeding offences have attracted both a fine and an increase in demerit points. The penalty for travelling more than 40km/h above the speed limit is $1000 and seven
demerit points.

A Bill is currently before the WA State Parliament to increase this penalty to $1200. Geraldton police Sergeant Andrew Ramsden said police would be out in force over the Queen’s Birthday long-weekend. “We will be out enforcing the new legislation to keep road fatalities down, hopefully to zero,” he said. Police will be targeting fatigue, distracted drivers, speeding, drink driving, mobile phones and seatbelts.

“We are encouraging people to take regular breaks and be aware of the dangers of fatigue. “These factors combined with speed, alcohol and distracted drivers are the biggest killers on the road. We’ll be out there,” he said.

Double demerit points will also apply over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

A full list of the penalties is available on the Office of Road Safety Website www.ors.wa.gov.au/Penalty-Changes.

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- User friendly firmware upgrades and set-up available via USB flash drive
- 1 to 5 sensor connection with front and rear sensor discrimination
- Laser cruise-control filtering sensor for factory LCC equipped cars
- Compatibility with many third party devices (radar, GPS antennas)
- Advanced self-test function detects disconnection or malfunction
- Fully effective from 10V to 17V power supply




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The AL6000 Pro is a law enforcement grade Semi-Conductor Breathalyser, specifically chosen by us because of its ultra high accuracy and affordable price. The AL6000 is the worlds first and only breathalyser that can be operated in dual-mode. It can be operated with a mouthpiece (included in package) for single use, or you can blow directly into the unit. This allows the unit to be shared between multiple people without compromising hygiene. The AL-6000 features ultra high accuracy and has a range of 0.00 to 0.40% BAC.


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