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Mobile Speed Cameras


Below is a list of speed measurement devices and traps used in each state.  Next to each type of trap we have listed the type of device you would need to defend against each type of trap.

Mobile Speed Camera Table:

Camera Band
Multanova / Vitronic Poliscan
Ka / Laser
Traffipax K
Gatso / Vitronic Poliscan
K / Laser
Traffipax K or Ka
Gatso K
Redflex LaserCam
904nm Laser
Redflex LaserCam
904nm Laser
Redflex LaserCam
904nm Laser

Mobile Cameras In Summary:

Gatso Mobile Speed Camera. 
This mobile camera is used primarily in Victoria and Queensland, and can be operated in various manners. Without a flash, the only evidence of speed camera on the outside of the car is black rectangular box, which sends out the radar beam (K band), about 30cm by 10, mounted on the front of the car. On the older models of the camera, and on rainy days or in bad light, a cable is used to link it to a box with a flash placed just in front of the vehicle. The operator sits in the car and takes the pictures, which are then uploaded to a laptop computer.  In both states unmarked cars are used, although in Victoria the operation of the cameras is carried by a contractor from Tenix Solutions, in Queensland a uniformed police officer is the operator.

Multanova Mobile Speed Camera. 
Used only in Western Australia, this radar-based camera (Ka 34.3 ghz) is mounted usually on a tripod on the side of the road. It is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a "Multinova". Multanovas are manufactured by a Swiss company of the same name and Western Australia utilises the 6F and the 9F models, which have a margin of +/-1km/h, however the Western Australian Police will give a 8km/h "grace" with a Multanova[citation needed].  The camera will photograph a speeding vehicle at an average distance of 12 metres.  During the daytime, the Multanova unit uses a standard "white" flash, but in low light or night time, it will use a red flash to avoid dazzling the driver.  The unit is estimated to be worth roughly $100 000, while the relatively small black box on the top, consisting of the circuitry and photographic unit, is worth $30,000 alone.  The camera is always accompanied by a white station wagon manned by an un-sworn police officer (not a contractor) who is responsible for assembling and dissembling the unit, supervising it and operating the accompanying laptop in the car for the few hours that it is deployed at a location. There are currently 25 in circulation in Perth.

NOTE:  Multanova cameras are currently being phased out in favour of the more modern PoliScan laser-based speed cameras

Vitronic PoliScan Mobile Camera. 
This laser-based or LIDAR system has two 4 megapixel digital cameras that photograph the driver, vehicle and license plate, before automatically reading the license plate using ANPR technology. Flash illumination for the cameras is provided by either a red or an infrared flash. Up to three lanes of traffic can be monitored simultaneously, while all vehicles travelling abreast or in tight formation can be tracked and caught.  The system uses an automated back office software application to process digital evidence gathered by the camera, so there is no manual intervention required from the point of photographing a speeding motorist to the issuing of a fine.  These cameras can take pictures from the front and/or rear.

Redflex – LaserCam.
Redflex’s LaserCam Speed Camera System combines digital image capture with highly accurate laser speed detection. The lasercam has a dual-lens image capture system which captures two images of an infringing vehicle concurrently; a wide angle lens captures an environmental image of the vehicle in its immediate surrounds and a telephoto lens captures a close-up image of the vehicle and its registration plate. This ensures effective identification of a targeted vehicle at all times. The system can be used in portable mode, with operator set-up taking only 2-3 minutes. REDFLEX LaserCam can also be quickly mounted inside a vehicle for covert use if required. REDFLEX LaserCam can be manually used to target vehicles, or the system can be set up in automatic mode.

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